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Fate, predestination. (Usually used of s.t. bad.)
Iye karalnen matey binono'.
It was his fate to die by being killed (i.e. a violent death).
Bisan iye ga'i mabaya' magella bang iye karalnen tege ella, masi iye ellahan.
Even if she does not want to get married, if it is her fate to have a husband she will get married.
mag-, tapag-
To be destined or fated for each other (to be married).
Ga' siye tapagkaral bu magkabaya' siye.
They were not destined for each other but they loved each other.
Magkaral siye bu ga' siye magkinata'u metu'uhin.
They were fated (to be married to each other) but they did not know each other before.
(dem) kulis janji'1
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