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Tithe, religious tax.
A voluntary tithing of one’s income given to the imam. One brings it at each harvest of coconuts, rice, etc. if one wants to. It is used to keep the mosque in repair or for communal feasts etc. 10% of money, rice, etc. Some things are given yearly, some per month.
Tiya' ne bo'oku jakatkun hap langgal.
I am bringing my tithe to the prayer house.
N- -an, mag-
To tithe, to give a tithe.
Magjakat ku kahaba' ku bakas magbo'o lahing.
I give tithes each time I sell coconuts.
Jakatanku inin. Karayaw sinduwe telebbihin niya' du isab kejatuhanne.
I am tithing this. May the other things that are left have a good yield.
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