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To have a small haircutting (name-giving) ceremony.
Tellum bahangi ne nakanakin diyata' kāpan behude maggetteb.
When the child was three days old they had a small haircutting ceremony.
Ga'i ne dahu' ginuntingan anakku palami, ginetteban hadja.
We won’t have a lavish name-giving ceremony for my child now; we will just have a small haircutting ceremony.
Name-giving ceremony without a big feast.
It usually takes place shortly after birth. If it is done later it has to be a maggunting with a feast. The child cannot be taken out of the house if the hair has not been cut. There can be a big ceremony later but it doesn’t have to be. There has to be at least one rice mound dulang.
Bang la'i si lahatde seddili paggettebin.
In their place the name-giving ceremony is different.
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