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A saying, proverb.
When he speaks he uses many sayings.
To speak using proverbs.
Da'a kew luwal mageli'an, pegge' tasabutku du bissānun.
Don’t always speak in proverbs, for I certainly understand what you are saying.
Haget ne ku amban lahat.
I am already tight from home. (Meaning: I am full; I don’t need anything to eat. Said if someone apologizes for not offering merienda.)
Epohey dang.
An answer given, if we have talked together and she doesn’t believe what I said.
Ga' niya' a'a ngulanan asinne.
Nobody rains his salt. (Meaning: a person doesn’t really tell if he does s.t. that isn’t right. E.g. if parents ask their student-child if he goes out at night, and he says no. They may use this saying.)
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