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Sea cucumber, trepang (generic).
When one picks up a sea cucumber and squeezes out the innards, it is like sand mixed with the innards. Toward the top there is a substance attached to them that is reportedly very good to eat. There is also a sticky substance like a resin in it.
If one eats a sea cucumber it is very tough.
balat owak
A species of sea cucumber.
It is blackish, tough, needs to be cooked.
balat u'an
A large kind of sea cucumber.
Its size is like a bottle, yellowish in color. It needs to be cooked.
balat lugus
A species of sea cucumber.
It is spotted. It is soft and can be eaten without cooking. It is normally pickled.
balat duru'an
A species of sea cucumber.
The most prized one, reportedly. It also is soft and spotted on the outside. It is eaten raw, i.e. pickled kinilaw.
balat kumbatang
A species of sea cucumber.
It is yellowish and blackish in color. It easily decays. It is said that only when taken as food for a wedding it will last longer. So when one picks it up one should tell it that it is being taken to a wedding.
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