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Imprint; impression; mark (as of a pen, or footprint, or seal).
Impressions such as occur on a page below the one used when tracing s.t. on paper.
Bakas minalkahan kābewkun, kuwe'itu ga' niya' bisan bakkasne.
My carabao was branded, now there isn’t even a mark of it.
There are many imprints of carabao hoofprints.
N-, mag-
To make a mark; to leave an imprint or impression (as of footprint).
Ga'i magbakkas limpa' bettiskun.
My footprints do not leave an impression.
Bang kew nulat da'a pabasagun duk ga'i makkas si dengkepak.
When you write don’t press hard so that it does not leave an imprint on the other side.
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