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Arabic phrases 14.6

alayikum wassalam ‘And with you be peace.’ Answer to the greeting “Assalamu alaikum”.
amin Amen, closing word of prayer. assalamu alayikum Peace be with you. (A formula for greeting. The response is Alaikum wassalam.)
Awla God, Allah (the supreme being).
bismilla ‘In the name of God’.
kana'alla Wholeheartedly, truly before God.
karna' Very true, indeed.
mustahil Impossible, preposterous, absurd, my word!, come on! (An expression to emphasize one’s statements.)
mustajab Good, edifying, enlightening (about speech).
takbil Name for the phrase ‘Allahu Akbar’; a special chant (at the end of the worship service at the close of the months Puwase and Hadji').
wassalam Lit. ‘and peace’. Used to signal the end of a letter or speech; part of the answer in greeting.
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