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A torch from a piece of firewood burning on one end.
waved in front of the person holding it to keep the fire lit and used to light the path at night
Nanghap si ānang so ahoten a witwit na.
Mother got a piece of burning firewood for her torch.
Someone (may-) uses a piece of burning firewood for a torch.
Maywitwit kas ahoten tan makaboya kad rarahan.
Use the piece of burning firewood as a torch so you can see the road.
Someone (mangi-) waves something (i-) rapidly.
Iwitwit ni ādi iyaw tabahos na, ta myan tana na.
Younger sibling waves his hat rapidly, because it has soil on it.
An animal wags its tail or someone flicks his finger (pa--en).
Ilo. witwít 'to wag a finger at'
Pawitwiten chito ipos na an mahopag a mayyayo.
The dog wags his tail when he is tired to run.
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