A generic name for grasses, weeds, plants that are not cultivated.
pl. tametamek 'weeds over a large area'
kinds of grass or weed: anaray, badokbadok, bochid, dabobot, dalokdok, dapoyit, gagadang, garem, gāt, koyyong, kwantong, ngayoy, olyong, pawpaw-it, pisek, siplot, tadayib, tagamtam, tanghad
A place (om-/-om-, may-) becomes overgrown with weeds.
Omtamek danaw atat mwaya.
Your yard becomes overgrown with weeds.
Someone (mapay-) lets weeds (pay--en) overgrow someplace (pay--an).
Mapaytamek ako so pagiwarwaran so nwang.
I let weeds overgrow for a grazing place for the carabao.
Someone (mang-) scatters garbage someplace (-an, -en).
-an tamkan, -en tamken
Tamkan mwabaw atat kwaya, ta ari akpad makapayboyas.
Don't scatter garbage in my yard, because I am not able to have it swept.
Tamken mwabaw oksongaya.
Don't scatter garbage in the river.
An area of weeds or other uncultivated plants.