A light (om-, mang-) shines on someplace (-an), or someone enlightens someone's thinking.
Iyaw soho omsedang dyaken.
The light shines on me.
Mangsedang bohan so ayaman an mahep.
The moon shines on the road at night.
Sedangan mo aktokto ko.
Enlighten my mind.
Someplace (ma--an) is brightened, lighted, or someone's thinking is enlightened.
Payen mo soho daw tan siraw somdepaw do bahayaw, ki masedangan sa.
Put a light there so those who enter the house, well, they are lighted (by the light).
Paydaydasal ko paynyo tan masedangan pangtoktwan nyo.
I pray for you so that your thinking is enlightened.
The time of day (may-) becomes dawn, just before sunrise.