Someone (mang-) pulls on something (-en) that does not resist as a rope tied to a tree.
hatak, hila
Mangpalang kas hobid a nachitan do abang.
Pull the rope that is tied to the canoe.
Palangen mo hobidaw.
Pull the rope.
Someone or an animal (machi-) pulls against someone or something that resists.
Machipalang danaw posak do ipos no karam.
The cat pulls against the tail of the rat.
Machipalang si Jose do itan nwang.
Jose pulls against the rope of the carabao.
Two or more people (may-, maysin-) pull something against each other.
Maypalang kamwaba do hobid, ta angwan mabitos.
Don't pull the rope against each other, because what if it snaps.
Two or more people (maypay-) pull something back and forth from opposite ends.
Maypaypalang tad hobidaya.
Let’s each pull the rope back and forth.
Two people pull someone or something (pay--an) from different sides towards them or towards their ideas.
paypapalangan 'three or more'
Paypalangan das āmang.
They pull father from different sides.