A verbal prefix marking a condition or state.
past na-
Maganyit si āmang.
Father is sick.
Masalawsaw kan machimoy an ayokayam dana.
It is windy and rainy when the northeast wind (blows).
A verbal affix marking a passive construction for -an type goal focus.
past na--an
Matawagan si ānang.
Mother is/has been called.
Matawagan mo si ānang.
Mother is/has been called by you.
An affix marking something as habitual.
Masisyen a Dyos.
God is habitually merciful.
Makakayaten saw adedekey.
The children habitually climb.
Maboboken si marāan.
Uncle is habitually drunk.
Mapteptengen si ādi.
Younger sibling is habitually hungry.