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The other side, opposite side of something or someplace.
ballásiw, bángir
May ka do bīt no oksong.
Go to the other side of the river.
The quality of something (may-) is on both sides.
Inigpet naw kampilan a maybīt so tarem.
He held a sword which is sharp on both sides.
Someone does something (pay--en) on both sides.
Paybīten mo a tolasan papil.
Write on both sides of the paper.
Two people do something (pay--an) one on each end.
past pinaybītan, naybītan
Paybītan da igpet.
They hold (something) one on each end.
On the sides.
As do maychamībit naw no oksongaw, ki myan daw iyaw no kayowaw a rakoh.
And on the sides of the river, there is a big tree.
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