Someone (-om-) answers, answers back to someone (-en) with a response (i-).
-om- tombay, i- itbay, iyatbay
may- 'to answer once'
Tominbay ka dyaken.
You answered me.
Atbayen mwaba si āmang, ta marahet.
Don't answer back to father, because it's disrespectful.
Āngo itbay/iyatbay mo?
What will you answer?
Two people (maysin-) answer back and forth to each other.
maysinatbay, maysinat-atbay 'two people'; maysinaatbay 'three or more'; matwatobay 'many people answer back and forth at the same time'
Maysinaatbay sa.
They answered each other back and forth.