For someone (agent muɴ-; s agent maN-) to readjust the weaving, inobal (theme -on), by pulling it down with a beater stick, balīga (inst paN-), towards the weaver.
panglod; oldon; manglod; enlod; ellod
When the leading edge of the weaving reaches about 30 - 40 cm. from the waist template, ipītan, the template is loosened by untying the ends, and one half of the template along with the belt, gawelan, is removed. The beater stick is inserted into a shed, ādu, and is pulled against the leading edge of the weaving to pull it towards the weaver and within about 5 cm. of the template. The removed half of the template and belt are then replaced and the template is securely tied in place.
paN-: panglod; -on: oldon; maN-: manglod; -iɴ-: enlod, ellod