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Pond-field growing medium.
An admixture, ideally low in clay content and high in loam and decayed vegetation. Original source is loam or a loam-clay mixture sluiced into the field, as described below. To this is added decayed vegetation as a result of weeding pond-field margins and tramping it and rice stubble into the medium, as well as sedimentary vegetable matter, soil and waste materials brought in by irrigation. Suspended in water of a flooded field, and resting on the solid basin floor, pānad, it is of a thick paste consistency, ideally about 20 - 30 cm. deep.
For someone (agent muɴ-) to provide pond-field growing medium (theme) for a new pond field (loc ref -on).
Black fertile soil, lo'eh, or at least clay, uklit, without stones, mixed with humus soil, is used. A source close to a field is most ideal. If it is close enough, soil can be shoveled into the field; otherwise running water is used and the soil is sluiced, budūbud. It is finally spread over the field to provide a layer on the basin floor, pānad, about 50 cm. thick which eventually settles to about half the thickness.
For someone (agent) to use a particular choice of soil (inst i-, puɴ-) for pond-field growing medium, as described above.
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