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The rainy season.
Begins about the lunar month Panaba, around July to August. During this period, the second-crop rice seedlings are transplanted, cared for and harvested. Wet seedbeds, pannapna', and fields for main-crop rice are prepared and rice seedbeds planted. The transplanting of main-crop rice is completed. For a description of dry season, see tiyalgaw.
For it (actor -um- & patient) to become the rainy season.
A substantive with actor and patient roles is unexpressed in the sentence.
A measure of a rainy season.
hinlumawāngan One rainy season; duwan lumawāngan Two rainy seasons; tulun lumuwāngan Three rainy seasons. Rainy seasons are not measured beyond three.
For someone (agent & theme) to spend the entire rainy season on a project (loc ref -on).
Lawangon Limm'ang an tamūan nan do'ol an goday hi payawna.
Limm'ang spent the rainy season working on the many landslides in his pond fields.
For someone (agent muɴ-) to plant a pond field (loc ref -an) to second-crop rice (theme).
This includes planting seedbeds, bunbun, and transplanting rice seedlings, bogay.
Second-crop rice, harvested or growing in fields.
Second-crop rice is identified as having smaller grains than main-crop rice; there are many varieties. It is resistant to disease and worm infestation, is planted in dry seedbeds, pumbunbunan, about the lunar month miyadwah datto', during September, and the seedlings, binunbun, are transplanted about a month later.
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