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Wages, for work accomplished.
Wages at a daily pay-rate, ganal, has become a common medium of payment as a result of the use of money within the Batad economy and as workers have become accustomed to working at a daily pay-rate in lowland areas. Wages for contract work, pakyaw, on large government projects is paid by the job contract. Contract-work payment may be in a single payment at the end of a project or in installments paid during the course of the work. Reference is rarely to wages for job-work, bo'la, within the village.
For someone (agent muɴ-) to work for wages, as described above.
To receive something (theme -on) as wages, as described above.
Heldūo' nan bino'la' hinan pakyaw'u.
I will receive what I earned as wages for my contract work.
For someone (agent; s agent maN-) to pay out wages (theme) for work accomplished (loc ref -an), as described above.
paneldu; maneldu
To use money, rarely goods (inst paN-) for paying out wages.
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