For two (actor -C- + muɴ-) to dislike each other (loc ref).
Mumbobohhol: focus is on three or more who dislike each other.
Nan udumnan nunhina''āgi ya mumbobohholda.
Some who have fraternal group relationships dislike each other.
For someone (actor -um-; s actor maN-) to dislike someone (loc ref -on), caused by a particular circumstance (inst i-).
Hi Bukkāhan ya boholōna han ibāna ti adīna idatan hi lūbungna.
Bukkāhan dislikes his brother because he won't give him his shirt.
Ibohol: focus is on that used as a basis for dislike.
Imbohol Lu'mag ay ha''in din nangakāwa' hi manu'na.
Lu'mag used my theft of her chicken to dislike me.