For someone (agent muɴ-, -um-; s agent maN-) to scoop out pounded rice grains and hulls, bināyu, (theme -on), from a mortar (loc ref) with cupped hands (inst paN-).
Inakun Oltāgon din imbāyumi ti nalopah.
Oltāgon scooped out what we had pounded from the mortar because it was all hulled.
For someone (agent) to scoop pounded rice grains and hulls, bināyu, (theme i-) into a winnowing basket, pallungan.
For someone (agent) to scoop up unhulled rice (theme i-) to the top of rice being pounded (loc ref).
Iyakum, Anghābon, han imbāyuta ta mibalin nan ota.
Anghābon, scoop up what we pounded so the unhulled rice will be turned over.