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A, some person, people, thing, things.
Introduces a substantive phrase with a common noun, verb or number as headword. A phrase introduced by this determiner is distributed as follows: 1) As a sentence topic.
Ayāgam ah pi'yibba' hi lalā'i.
Call a male companion for me;
2) With a coordinating conjunction, ya, preceding, as a conjunctive phrase.
Iyālim ni' di ma'an ya ah danum ta way aton tu'un mangan.
Please bring food and some water so that we can eat.
There is concord among occurrences of the following determiners and ligatures introducing successive phrases within a sentence: determiners ah, di1, di2, hay, hi1 3, hi1 4a, hi1 4b; modifying ligatures hi2 1, hi1 3. (Other determiners and the ligature an do occur in sequence with these determiners and ligature but are less frequent.)
Hay onon di linalā'i ya hay hinamal ya ah mihda.
What the men will eat will be cooked rice and some side dish food.
Hay intapal Innāwan ya apat hi howo' hi danum hi ma'inum ya onom di howo' hi līpog.
What Innāwan threw away was 4 cupfuls of water for drinking and 6 cups of rice beer.
Iyālim ni' di onom di pihhuh ilā'u' hi lubung'u.
Please bring me 6 pesos for me to use to buy my clothing.
For a description of concord among other determiners and the ligature an, see an. See sec., 7.25.1.
Something; some place.
A pronoun determiner is followed either by a verb phrase or existential phrase.
Iyālim ni' ah inumo'.
Please bring something for me to drink.
See sec. 7.8.1.
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