A scare-object, used to frighten away animals, birds, chickens, flies and the like.
Nan +ābul di budeng, ya nan niyamma an kinnāhu.
A scare-object for rice birds is a scarecrow made (for the purpose).
The following are scare-objects: a long arrow-grass cane, adukkoy an bilāu, held in the hand, used to frighten animals and chickens; a fly switch, wahīwah, used especially to keep flies away from a dead person; a stick person, kinnāhu, used as a scarecrow to frighten wild pigs and birds from pond or upland fields; a pond-field scare line, ulyun, or a line of hanging pendants, eblaw, hung up over ripening grain to scare away rice birds, budeng.
ulyun 1
wahīwah 1